Chanel brings Mother's Day to Covent garden

Mother's Day you be delighted to know if you want that extra something special there is Still time in Covent Garden.

I was amazed to see what looked like a old Victorian style Flower kart with a truly breathtaking display of flowers mixed with Oversized Chanel perfume bottles, 

When speaking to the assistant regarding the display, 
I was pleasantly informed that these are the flowers that make up the individual fragrances and the notes where Chanel grow there own flowers in France.

I have been wearing Chanel Allure pour Homme for years and converted my own mother from Not liking the famous No5 to a fan of CoCo and loving Madameessel with there fragrances. To know more of a insite and walk up to these flowers that make them what they are .

And if your purchase a 100ml bottle of the fragrance you will receive a free Chanel bouquet with your purchase.

However if you are not inclined to smell the roses and know the notes of the scents but feel your mother would,
Why not surprise her today by taking her there yourself.

Also for food there is many options including Jamie's Kitchen where they do a Earl Grey Martini which has the taste of bergamot.

As well as street shows and many shops in the area taking her here for a Sunday morning treat to smell the flowers of Chanel will be a Mother's Day she is sure not go forget.


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