Tomorrow I am working on a show,
for Dogs who help people with disabilities and what I hear is they can do amazing things these days.
I.E use a chip and pin card,
wouldn't trust one of those pooches around the doggie section ;)
However All Jokes aside I am working with these Lovely animals and Fashion combined how does this work I hear you ask.

The answer I do not know yet But Will let you know after Tomorrow.

On another NOTE readers Last Friday I had the privilege to see the Band Skunk Anasie Rehearse for a secret Gig only for friends and family before they went on Tour which they have with there New Album WonderLust which I have to admit I am loving and playing a lot on my Blackberry While traveling.

Anyway Hopefully one member of the band I shall be working with making him a EXCLUSIVE NEW piece from MWFROST range Image of the item he liked I Will POST NEXT TIME I post regarding this.

Overall With recently just working with another Major stylist for a Tv Show that appered some very special guest as soon as it airs I shall TELL!

and also working on the Company All WALKS beyond the catwalk hence why the lack of regular blogs this week but thank you guys for your continued support there is certainly more to tell you guys about

but until the dog post

walkies for now



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