further News| Robert Pattinson Turns Down Burberry | part 2

you may have read earlier in the post today: '

I can further report that VOGUE have just reported and confirmed Elle's Rumors:

even though as Robert Patterson I am a huge fan of and normally try to find anything brand or fashion related to Blog about to do with him.
And would of loved to have seen him as the Burberry Model.
I hold a lot of respect for him as his statement of not wanting to become a brand and he is a actor not a model.
if only people more people in the media focused on there craft instead of selling out to every single brand and therefore endorsing thee name making themselves a brand losing there own personal identity.

from excellent films such as 'remember me' 'little ashes' 'how to be' and obviously 'twilight saga'
I think our generation will have a true young legend at this rate if he carries on this way...


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