A Letter To my readers

To all my readers and Subscribers,

After a incident of Theft where my software was taken for a while I kind of Gave up on the Blog,
Hence the Lack of post's Until Now.
I felt very frustrated that a lot of shows and events  that I went to and all the work I had planned to put up until the next season for fashion was gone in a selfish second or two through somebody els actions that I was Victim to,

However After a recent needed sabbatical I am back with Technology and fresh Idea's for the Blog with a recent facelift for the site,
you may have noticed Safety Pin Charm has gone? and now the site is called the Young Quirky Gentleman's Club.
This However does not mean the site has changed alienating my female followers there will still be plenty for both Men and Women just for of a focused direction on this blog becoming more of a fashion/Lifestyle
where I will give styling tips and all the usual but in a new pimped up format.

Lastly as I feel I am going on a bit now I want to thank all of my followers who have stayed with me through my silence and have been following me on twitter 
and I cannot wait to share with all my Ladies and Gentleman the new content that will be coming to our online Club 

best of Wishes 


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