Andrew Garfield: Stylish Man of the Week

A new feature for the Blog is Stylish Man of the Week,
and for this Week I want to announce for The Quirky Gentleman's Club is Andrew Garfield.

With  the new Spiderman film releasing in the Uk cinema's the 03/07/12 a day earlier then across the Pond in the States.
This is anticipated to be one of the films of the Summer,
will it break Blockbuster hits of The Avengers? Only time can tell.

British Actor Garfield Plays the Lead Role of Peter Parker / Spiderman
in the New film which is in no relation to the series that American Actor Tobey Maguire stared in.

'The Amazing Spider-Man' directed by Marc Webb has a darker feel to the original
where Garfield has been quoted that he was able to add some free lines to what was a quite heavy and dark script, allowing for some Humor.

"That was important to me, in terms of the humor, the wit, finding the power of anonymity," he said. "That was a fun night, because it was all improvised and free. There was nothing scripted about that. That was awesome." - Garfield quoted on MTV review ( click here for more )

Garfield has also Recently appeared as front cover GQ Star: 

Looking rather Dapper Above as well as Below in Alexander McQueen at a recent event below:

its rather hard to think this stylish young Man was once the Geek in Social Network 

And the dancing stalker Boy Tom in British Gay comedy Sugar Rush as seen in the intro below:

So from Geek to just plain Chic this is why Andrew Garfield is 'Stylish Man of the Week for The Quirky Gentleman's Club'
who fits in the Role of Peter Parker to Social Network and Rocks the Cover of GQ,
certainly a young British Actor to watch out for!



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