Great british Pubs and atmosphere at home

Pubs is something that the British do well,
in fact we famous for them world wide.

I was speaking recently to a Parisian girl and on discussion where I mentioned I had a certain fondness for Paris, spending my birthday in the Catacombs, the girl replied that her and her friends Loved Britain for its Pubs and you cannot get that atmosphere anywhere else.

When thinking about Britian and drinking recently we have made a reputation for drunk larger louts and football fights abroad however there is a certain Quirkiness to the English and its Traditional pubs and Drinks.

When On a Drive Recently I found a great Pub Near by Heaver Castle which had a friendly atmosphere However the interior was what made me laugh the most 

Like something you expect to find British eccentric Designer  Paul Smith at with decor all over in a traditional way with a humous twist.

Above Stags head with cigarette attached was just the icing on the cake for me as we sat there and had our drinks.

However the Humor continued even when it was time to go to the Gents,
when Condom/Vending machine grabbed my attention with its choice of Condoms below:

For a closer look at what would look like a drinks Menu Flavored condoms come in the verity of champagne, Larger and lime and many more....

For some that may want that vibe of humor and eccentricity through drinking and not necessary driving all the way to the Countryside, Why not try making the Atmosphere at home with some friends?
That's what I did last night with some friends where we decided to recreate our own pub environment with picking in a local store some ales and beers by what seemed interesting by the Labels.

some of the variety above of our tasting session, Below a new type of Crabbies ( Alcoholic Ginger Beer) Black: which has a stronger taste used with more spices.
Crabbie's Black I preferred over the Original as the taste was a bit more Richer allowing for you to be able to want a couple without feeling sickly as I find can happen when drinking the Original one if you like me and not over fond of sickly sweetness.

Crabbies have also done one with spiced Orange which was a very refreshing yet warming taste.
Crabbies are using Ginger in New ways making the Beer appeal more  to people with different tastes.

However if you not a fan of Ginger as its one of those Marmite kind of tastes,  Then why not try Innis & Gunn who have done a Oak aged Beer with a Rum Finish Below:
This one was My Favorite for Taste as it was so smooth to drink and relaxing for a sunday afternoon with a Roast.

Below was the Badger ale's which Normally Im not a huge Ale fan however there was a certain freshness with these light Golden Ales with Humours bottles making a country feel.


Black Sheep Ale was neither here or there for me but as Im not a Ale drinker  and more beer, when asking one of my friends opinion on this one he replied with
 " its very strong tasting I didn't like it but it wasn't my favorite" 
Generally that was the view with all drinking the beers and Ales.

Hobgoblin grabbed my attention straight away with its grim  Brothers Grim style illustration on the bottle.

The Ruby Beer as seen below was something I would have again and I would like to try more in the Whychwood Brewery range one time and compare the rest.
However having only selected this one and with the mixture of the rest its only so much one can handle to drink or taste in one night.

So if not near a country Pub or budget is a issue why not try stepping away from your usual pub drinks and try something different with a few friends. 
and some  chilled music you never know you may find a new favorite drink.
and when it gets to closing time you already home so no short straws on who is the designated driver home.



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