quirky shops for cups ...

Ok a bit of a silly one I know but hey I couldn't resist  showing of my new recent purchase from Paperchase
Paperchase is a shop that I just love for the illustrations and quirky designs its one of those you go in not thinking you need anything yet you question how you never had whatever object you left with not in your life when you leave the store, or maybe thats just me?

Firstly I would like to point out this is not a sponsored post just me really excited over my two new items for travel in the summer.

I thought for when I drive or commute anywhere these would be great the clear cup perfect for cold liquids  and the porcelain for hot beverages

fun with the TFL cup playing on the idea of the underground and a little bit Hirst with the spots on the porcelain I got that one on sale and theres much more still on sale so have a look on www.paperchase.co.uk

best of all when in Starbucks or anywhere else a little of the drink fee result !!!

lol well thats more then enough from me being silly for now have fun and stay quirky as always 


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