My London Fashion Week Adventure

I was going to call this blog piece My 12 Indulgences at London Fashion but that's another story.. but it flagged up images of porn to me..
Well ..
After stepping from to the Scoop adventure I continued my London Fashion Week journey to the showrooms of wonder. Now I couldn't wait.. I wonder through this new experience with just as much excitement as Scoop London, with the feeling as if I have never visited them before. I thought let me continue the same thought.

I like to be aware and focused but I just always so curious of what new piece will catch my attention; it as if all my Christmas have come at once.
My No.1 indulgence of London Fashion Week was visiting the showroom of Kasun London, were the love of wearing animals carines is unapologetic, giving a kind of ancient communication to the outside world of the wearer self worth. Stating this is a fearless warrior and their jewellery is their totem of their brave clan.
A beautiful and natural inspiration to a fashionista's wardrobe each collection by Kasun London has inspired named statements that demonstrate to the conscious of what experiences that have challenged the designer and those who wearer the brand. The title such as Sticks and Stones and Why You so Wild Crocodile are like conversations, like statements of the fearless and a sexy type of bravery of the fearless individual who dares to wear authentically inspired bone and sharp teeth jewellery.
Who wouldn't want to be the fearless wearer of such beautiful pieces of jewellery with such collection names, it makes you want to experience life and embrace all unknown dangers as without darkness there is no light.


                               Kasun London collection called Why You So Wild Crocodile

Kasun London collection Dream Of Dark Creatures

My No.2 indulgence of London Fashion Week was seeing Susana Bettencourt selected collection at the Heavy London Showroom space. It was a unique selection of her knitwear collection and I just loved it, her inspired geometrics print drove me to the connection of the Bauhaus movement and their beautiful linear and graphical and bold style, with ideas like this each piece is a statement, that are so needed in every wardrobe can I have all please. It's a triumph to see this graphical style as I reminds me of the graphical direction of the 1980s, but then it all postmodernist referencing which was the process from Bauhaus to further inventive to their beautiful hot colours and with directed structured light balance influencing music and fashion.

                                              Alfred Arndt Exterior Design of the Master
                           Semi detached Houses in Dessau 1926 Bauhaus -Archive Berlin

                                                Wassily Kandinsky Lesson 1886

                                                         Thornton Willis 'Alien' 2005

                                      Susana Bettencourt Knitwear Collection at London Fashion Week
My No.3 indulgence of London Fashion Week was Roberta Einer collection at the One to Watch space. With her 1950's inspired neon sign bead embroidery from the pop and youth culture quake of the time, a perfect nod to the Americana, I just loved it.

            Roberta Einer collection at the One to Watch Space at the London Fashion Showrooms

My No.4  indulgence at Fashion Utopias International Fashion Showcase 2016 at London Fashion Week, there were the numerous beautiful rooms of up and coming designers from all around the world.  The sweatshirts by Han Kim and Nelly Rose & Odette Steele, were the continued theme of inspired geometric and digital watercolours punctuation prints, which were a delight and rather delicious, they are so voluptuous and inviting.
It was a happy realisation of the future as which London Fashion Week always is and greatly so (thank goodness) that the fascination with the 1980's graphics and the romance of Americana is a sign-post of referencing that is a backdrop for the generation of creatives.

                                         Nelly Rose & Odette Steele Sweatshirt Collaboration

                                            Han Kim SweatShirt at London Fashion Week


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