Emotional art and a new journey

My first blog post for this year abc it's a personal one I hope you will all like ...

Due to a personal incident that I have once spoken about on my YouTube channel In 2012 I took a small break from styling and media in general. 

During this time a family member of mine bought me a massive canvas as a gift for me to release the stress and emotions I was going through while suffering PTSD  ( post traumatic stress disorder ).

Resulting in me working all the issues and the layers of my problems at the time on that very personal emotional self portrait, 
For 2 more years this canvas has sat in a empty room hidden away almost like my own personal Oscar wildes Dorian grey in the attic. 

However time and love and friendship is a wonderful healer and In 2015 not only can I look at the painting again, 
I decided that's not me anymore!

Instead  of throwing away the piece I got inspired by artists like Tracey Emin who show there emotional journeys through there art.

Therefore I decided to document and share the picture  reusing the canvas to make a fresh start and a new image for 2015.

Below the original piece: 

Am I pretty? - by Michael Williamson 
Media - mixed 
Year 2012

Below some close up shots:

I kind of enjoy the fact that as we grow older our past makes us who we are the good and the bad sometimes the ugly and even the beautiful.

the process of sanding down the canvas got all the big lumps and bumps from my heavy applied  paint process 

Below working over the sanded down suface and starting a fresh start

So here it is a new start for 2015 
On my art and everything else in a happier place

The canvas it has a few tears in it and lumps and bumps,
However that's just life nothing is smooth and perfect and some things take time to mend, 
And just like a person it has many layers and it's own story where I shall update all of you my readers the journey.

Stay quirky and happy 2015 x 


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