Lactose intolerance has taught me something

I am certainly not posting enough. Recently I have seen more comments on a old vlog that I did regarding a lifestyle piece based on lactose intolerance.

This blog Steps away from my usual themes of fashion and art, and is more of a lifestyle piece. The response has made me question why box myself on this blog as fashion, lifestyle or art?

Isn't life extremely interesting and exciting in the day to day activities that we take for granted, one problem for another you may have an answer to and vice versa simply by sharing the mundane.

And with changing career recently as well as making a new house move there may be day to day activities I can get questions from you guys or girls reading, watching etc. And maybe sometimes I may have the answer for you too.

So giving myself a realistic target of one blog post a week whatever has been my highlight I'm going to challenge myself to keep up with this. And hopefully with. Your comments of encouragement I will find my flow of writing once more, and maybe even vlogging too.

So for those whom may be interested in the vlog I was previously discussing in regards to lactose intolerance please enjoy this video and maybe I should do a part 2?


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