McQueen/Selfridges and the subject of taste

well the fuss has been about McQueen this week,
as Manchester Selfridges caused a bit of a Talking point over there 'Accidental' window display
that caused controversy on the subject of 'Taste'.

Which In Lee's lifetime he managed to do regularly with the theatricality and the spectacle of his Breathtaking Show's,

that when I was a student I remember debating in my days saying the performance that goes into his shows with the art directors such as Costin and Katy Grand

"make them once in a life time opportunities to see and a adult version of disney land a fantasy come true for any person interested in fashion or art making the catwalk the new theater of todays society" - Michael Williamson

however as in life with collection's such as '2004 American Express show London' which was changed to the day as ' untitled' due to the sponsorship not agreeing with the linked sexual connotations to the original concept name 'Golden Showers' is not the first time 'Taste' was in question for the Designers work.

However McQueen is the subject of 'Taste' again though this time unfortunately not down to the designer but down to leading Department store Selfridges who did not take into context the designers Death before there Visual display of his little black dress in there window display as seen above.

the store said that they hung designer dresses in each window for artistic effect and did not mean any intention to offend anyone when displaying the dress as they did,
they then took the dress down and replaced with another designers dress to not offend anyone.

if that is the case I would hate to be in the visual merchandisers footsteps right now
who has caused a lot of 'unwanted' media attention?

and the reason i say it like that is I sit hear and wonder about the context of this,
with Selfridges being one of the worlds leaders at window displays that every shop takes inspiration from and every fashion student is taught to go and look at do they really not do there homework to make sure that a store window is making the company look to its best?

and with the context that they wanted to make the display have a artistic effect with artist's more and more over the past decade using 'Shock tactics' to display there work
(just look at the young british artists such as the chapman brothers, Hirst and Emin)
have they used the subject of 'Taste' to cause shock factor and generate press therefore creating more sales in the manchester branch?

and lastly What question we can never answer yes shock maybe to family and friends but what would the grand master of controversy 'Lee McQueen' make of it all?

and should the dress stay in the window or not

please comment on this one
as i would love some different opinion

until next blog
take care readers


  1. Wow, I genuinely believe this is your best post yet. I don't see how that could have been an "accident". It's a hangmans frame - definately a question of lack of taste, as far as I'm concerned, McQueen never took it that far. Shame on Selfridges!

    ^^Nicola Edwards from Free Your Mind.

    By the way, check out my blog on the mister michael williamson at,


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