update, why I have been taking so long to Blog...

No I havent Given up from fashion week, I have worked on a number of things at the moment which has left me with lots of content and not much time to blog.
From the beginning of fashion week it started at me working on the Fashion for Relief project and watching the amazing London show, After parties and working on Vauxhall fashion scout for 'All walks beyond the catwalk'.
More shows and more parties the content was loads and I was slow on reporting for this blog as I made sure my focus was going to the pother project's I work on.
However after fashion week there was no rest for the Wicked as downing st. was calling for international women's day and then me doing a spot of teaching leading on to more 'all walks' projects and many other stories for other things I do.

Basically what I will do this week is report from the start to most recent over the course of the week and hopefully over the next 7 days (unlike the girl from the ring) you shall look forward to the end and be caught up

all my very best


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