Valentines day fashion surprise?....

Last Night working in my Studio Space which is very cramped conditions I was up till 6 am this morning waking up and carrying on with work I did not check the post until now,
and must I say what a Surprise I got & who from I am still none the wiser,

I have attached images of the parcel beautifully decorated with hand drawn rose, (though I have photoshopped out my address readers)-

to fins a 100% cotton bag with the cutest Vampire Illustration

and a little badge/magnet "you're my cup of tea"-I would like to say a kind thank you to whoever it is that sent me this lovely parcel and you have definitely hit three things i love 1) fashion & a good canvas bag you can never have to many of those 2) vampires 3) tea
I was very surprised to receive this and when speaking to friend they said with the heart theme may be for valentines day,
my suspicion it's a friend or family but i shall work this case out...
and as i write this i drink from my mermaid cup and carry on with my day wondering
Who my admirer is lets drink Tea and now time to carry on making things in my work space what a lovely break.

Tea made curtsy of M.Williamson (shame that don't come in the post lol)



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