Talk Art / Tracey Emin - and will I get to see this exhibition?

 So something I have been feeling this week is conflicted, I really want to go to see the Tracey Emin exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts recent exhibition titled the Loneliness of the Soul.

The Exhibition is a curation of Emin's work and pairing it up with pieces she has selected from the Edvard Munch achieves in Oslo personally and then displaying alongside her own work which sounds like an artists dream. 

I have been a fan of Munch since 14 and Emin since I first seen in person as a teenager and every exhibition I have seen onwards has felt like we are friends through her art, she shares her secrets and I listen and sometimes even relate to some of the stories that are told, so to hear that Emin felt a similar way on Podcast Talk Art, that I recently stumbled across on a Spotify selection and the journey behind the collection not only excited me, but I would also recommend anyone else to listen  and click the image below to the below.  

But like any Blog that I normally post recently I am normally always asking questions, and the thing that is conflicting me from going is my fear of traveling unnecessary on public transport etc, with this new Delta strain of Covid till at least I have had my second jab I just feel very anxious about the idea of going.

Sadly  for me this means that I probably will miss the show of a lifetime as my 2nd jab date is after the closing date of the exhibition. 

However has anyone been, as I want to know was it crowded and did you have time to look at the art before being rushed around it as I know they trying to do timed bookings?

Any experience from anyone who has been, I would love to hear from, and if you just feeling anxious of going out in big groups or small, please feel free to drop me a comment where I will always try to show support.



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