Lets catch up and talk Pronouns

 We all have had a lot of time to think over the past year and as bit.

When I last did a post a year ago about creating masks for people to do something kind for others I soon got demotivated to do any more when I got some people, moaning the way the straps was and even just being demanding on what fabric they wanted, who knew trying to do something nice would be so emotion ally exhausting!

Though the period of not worrying what to post and not posting anything has done good for me, I have started to realize as I have gotten older, I still want to party but sometimes in thought more than the reality, however I want as I said before this space to be a space where its not the traditional club aimed for Men.

 I want this is a Queer friendly space and for any Allies and especially people mid thirty's who want a friendly space to find out about things that make them happy or share there own experiences, and cope with daily life, my aim now life is always a constant juggle is to push on my own creativity and discovery and share something weekly with you all, but with no pressure how it will be and hopefully unfold to something you all enjoy.

So if you want more:

  • How to demos
  • You Tube Videos 
  • Fashion 
  • Films 
  • Music 
  • Places to Go 
Or anything else, do feel free to drop me a Instagram, tweet, or message on here and I will try to serve the best way possible to create this happy positive space.

So moving on something that I would like to post more regarding the topic and am currently looking into, is Pronouns. 

As my work are now talking about the usage of Pronouns and from my understanding it seems to be more people from the LBGTQ+ Community engaging on this in there email signatures, than cis gendered heterosexual individuals  do. 

I feel the pressure to add my pronoun but as someone when I was younger always classed myself in the Skin / Adrogounus  vibe but knowing the word as Queer and now and feeling like I am learning myself what I feel comfortable in  as I am on my own path of self discovery, I am not sure what to use:
  • He / Him ( feels to masculine for me ) 
  • They / Them ( feels like I am rejecting my masculinity) 
  • They / Him ( can I do this, am I double dipping causing offence to anyone)
I know there are other Pronouns but I do not personally identify with, but have heard the importance of adding the pronouns again to my understanding and this is not gospel but makes Trans people feel more included and promotes positive mental health and inclusivity, which is so important to me as an ally to the trans community.  

However this is where I end my post for today as I do not want to talk to anyone but want to make a discussion and hope I get some comments on how others are feeling, and I really hope to hear from you.




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