Shoreditch Street Art

I love Art! 
And sometimes the best place to go is simply the streets.
Below is pictures I took from Shoreditch and Brick Lane whilst hanging out going to GFW.

I was posing for an Instagram Shot @quirkygentleman for a #OOTD 'outfit of the day' pose,
I'm wearing an effective mix of vintage and high street for the days look.

Below this may not be street art but it's certainly a humourious window display.

And this piece on a doorway in Bricklane spotted my attention and when posted on Instagram it was one of my most liked pictures of the day!
What can I say everyone haves a bit of Physco in them.

You may fun yourself asking why is a pub in this mix of pictures? 
In fact it's because it's my favrioute artist Tracey Emins 'Neon work' for the sign and her local watering Hole at one point,
I'm not sure if you find her there now I have never came across her when looking.

Another popular one above on Instagram yesterday and some cuteness below.

And finally of anyone knows what these little creatures on tiles are about? Drop me a comment as they facinated me,
Seeing them in a few places what are they? 

Well back to East London for me 
And until next time 
Look out on those streets!



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