Some like it hot and stuffy ....

The days are over when travelling on a train was like the old classic movies such as 'some like it hot' instead we have even 1st class on most trains especially 'southern' looking like the neighbourhood dog has been sleeping there with the smell and mess.

So when certain brands are looking to travel for there story behind there collections this season I question why the train?

Yes we have luxury travel with cruises and privet jets etc.
But with the exception to the orient express I cannot see any luxury or desire and fantasy in trains any more.

Is it just me am I jaded?
Or am I just realistic that between the stress of the cramped and delayed trains we get on, by time we reach out tube stops we feel like we going through a war and by time we have arrived to our destination we have simply given up to exhausted and flustered to enjoy we have arrived to where we are.


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