Why the silence of Frost? pt II in SJP


Oh Blog readers out there,
or my little frostetts I like to call you.

The reason why the last few weeks I have been so silent are many,
from personal to professional.

The All Walks Beyond the Catwalk Blog that I do I am now working with a whole team of bloggers,
which is great as the diveristy in the style of the blogs will be rich.

the link to this one is: http://allwalks.org/?cat=12

My blog is not up there yet but it will be exciting when it is posted,
one thing that I will point out the blogs on there written by me are not 100% the style of saftey pin charm blog you read as this is about fashion,trends and what inspires me where All Walks is about my views in diversity in fashion.

as a Child from mixed Mediterranean / english parents who has grew up in a very ethnic diverse community in south london I will be more tackling on that angle.

Also keeping me from posting I have been working on another Top secret Project
which will be announced later on in the year after Filming and when on TV but all exciting!

but to give you a taste when we where back stage late night me and another stylist had a mix and match the maddest combinations on me from feathers in the hair to my own cowboy print Shirt from topman to my SJP skirt lol.


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