tired with renovations

It’s been a while since I have blogged again, trying to stay consistent yet the renovations that I am going through are a complete distraction for my creativity as I am never in one space with things settled. 

When life is in boxes and suitcases you tend to feel tired and mentally drained to do anything else when you have any down time, things that once where fun become a chore. Yet at the same time I am excited for the project and have visions of how my life will be in the new space with my partner, exciting times are ahead. 

What I would say is if you choose to do renovations make sure you started the project in a happy space, as it will be a tiresome project towards the end, you just seeking the deadline as that deadline seems to always extend with builders. Be prepared and take this as a warning m, no matter how much Instagram suggests living your best life is glamorous, the reality behind a lot of those stylised pictures and #bestlife imagery showing us how easy it can all be is that it’s hard and a lot of work is behind each one. Basically I am saying the truth is not always as it appears, however as I write this I say it’s time to shamelessly plug my new Instagram page @plinthhouse 
Based on the project we doing the build and the lifestyle, most are glamorous images but I do share the ups and downs too on the instastories.

What more can I say...

Follow @plinthhouse




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