Hey Readers,
So this month may seam a little inactive from myself and fellow team Member Quirky Olga however if you have been on other forms of Social you will see we have been very much active.

Leading to a few days before the New Year and thinking what should I post a thought of a year with the run of Brexit, Trump & what feels like every childhood icon Dying of 2016 it seams a very bizarre year...

So I thought hang on Hold that thought maybe thats something I will Vlog on,
Vlogging is something for followers who are not new to the world of Quirky will remember I used to do a lot.

Then I stopped,
Why because I got less freelance fancy styling jobs and I thought well just basically who would want to see me just chat at a camera day to day?

But ironically I missed it,
and also the best posts in viewing that I looked back on where the ones with me just having a chat,
That may be cause I speak a hell of a lot better then I type ( dyslexia sigh ).

Concluding on me thinking I get one out and then from the Vlog I did with Olga I am now trying to make sure I do one a week.
and I thought maybe you guys are not aware I am doing this?

so here are my most recent Vlogs:

Olga & I do a Hair review using some killer products from Label M and Tony & Guy above,
Below I look at Christmas and  get way to excited over a dancing penguin...

Then there was my mid week bonus video woo hoo!!! I  did something a little different mid week and thought I share me riding a Pod at Heathrow Terminal:

and finally
my Boxing day / Christmas post

so there you go some silly YouTube Vlogs and Im doing them again let me know what you think?
is there anything you like me to cover and finally, I will start if this works posting the Vlogs weekly aiming for Sundays and at the end of the Month giving you a kind of YouTube monthly series of what I posted and why in the month.

So I may even land up talking about 2016 but check the Youtube channel first on: @MWFROST



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