So to be honest this was one post that I was scared of putting up,

as I thought people would jump for my jugular when they hear me saying anything about the ice bucket challenge in a negative way,

or not doing it myself.

However I hope this video explains why I feel the way I do and also by posting this I have had some great support people feeling that some people are jumping on the band wagon so to speak with no knowledge of the course its in aid of.

so I ask:

Do we really know enough about the #icebucketchallenge ?

Am I just being grumpy?

What's your views ?

If you want me to do this challenge please donate

or want to know more about the illness: www.alsa.org

Please take a screen grab or sent me some proof that you donated on twitter or hear etc . @mwfrost (Twitter)

And I will do it even if it's just one person that donates.

The more donations the more icy water x


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