will the real role models please stand up

Sometimes is a understatement that we pick our icons wrongly for whatever reason this may be, Successes due  to a healthy relationship or there fame for working hard has gone.

Now we live  in the days of disposable celebrities that are replaced each season from the latest reality Tv show, where the modern day royalty are Posh and Becks and Topshop is Couture.
 Gone IS the day of Audrey Hepburn and Givenchy collaborations glamorous and Marylin doing playboy shocking yet exciting which we  see in the glittering lights of Old Hollywood films and pictures.

No longer are we shocked that Audrey was actually anorexic and Marylin was addicted to weight lose pills. When we have been exposed every day to what model is taking Hardcore drugs, Pedophile child stars and dare I mention that Towie has made Katie price actually seem intelligent and glamorous with the introduction of vagazels and petjazels from the series.

When young girls are asked what they want to be when they grow up any google statistic would show you that the most common answer is a ‘Wag’
I.I ask where are our role models?
II.Who are they?
III.And why?

And depressingly the answers come down to these most common answers

i. x factor, Heat magazine and reality Tv shows
ii.Katie price ‘ cause she is a business woman’ posh & Becks and Cheryl Cole or Tweedy ‘ whatever she is going by’ to be a ‘WAG’
iii.Cause they on the tv therefore they must have money
The depressing reality of this situation is the reality shows are all disposable celebrity with every one clinging on to you on your fifteen mins of fame to cash in on you leaving you with none or little money but no privercy, and the next series you are replaced like yesterdays newspaper.

The ‘katie prices’ are clever business women but how much have they tampered with there own bodies and mutilated there own personal self esteeme resulting in failed relationship by failed relationship. And the posh and becks well I actually have respect for Victoria Adams the once ‘Posh Spice’ who pouted and pointed and mumbled her lines through the Spice Girls failing a solo carrer and then relised she has a eye for fashion.
Played on this and branded herself as Victoria Beckham ensuring herself and her family are there own Brand never having to worry again.
But my point is she did work and so did Cheryl Cole it was not handed to them by marrying someone.

Why do young Girls want to be back in the 50’s living just as a wife and not there own person?
Cheryl and Victoria are not doing it they probably laughthing at anyone who is. There is more to being a Woman then who you marry.

Which leads me on to a inspiring couple this week in the News Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

Not only the Woman has been seen recently in papers and Press events with naturally ageing grey hair and personally I think she is looking incredible for it she has also publicly admitted this week that she has had a double mastectomy below:

So  is there a rise of new celebrities out there with more depth then what I have mentioned before, I believe the answer is yes.

I think this is such a positive thing that she has done and publically admitting this making more awareness not just to young women but to men where Brad is showing how to be supportive of the woman you love.

And for me seeing aspiring stories like this in the news are so much better then who has been sleeping with whom etc.


  1. Great post!

    Personally, I wouldn't hold either Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe as role-models - but they are icons.

    I feel that icons like that do still exist today. I feel the collaboration of creative professionals forming the teams behind artists such as Gaga and Rihanna have turned the stage persona of a performer into a brand which produces art as a commodity. Both Gaga and Rihanna are icons who inspire this creative type to: be creative, and move forward in a career which requires creativity. They aren't role-models to me, but they do provide me with inspiration.

    I agree that the lack of visible "positive" role-models for girls and women is depressing. And, over the last decade or so, we seem to have gone backwards, in regards to gender equality.

    I greatly admire Angelina Jolie for speaking out about her double mastectomy. I felt her going public with this news was brave, and I found her courage inspirational.

    Once again; great post. I very much enjoy reading your take on fashion, culture, and how you feel that affects modern society.

    Nikki E.

    1. thank you for this reply and also for your views and kind comments, and great point on gaga and riri


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