Why the silence of Frost?

Less than 3 weeks to go until London Fashion Week, I say sorry to my readers for the lack of communication of what to do in London and fashion etc ( all the blurb i usually write about) .
But the truth be told I have worked on a shoot thats Top-Secret at the moment,
and one of the non profit organizations that I believe strongly in is also taking most of my time, As we working on Production for Fashion Week,
resulting in no time to Blog.

However as my heart is racing to tell you guys All unfortunately I am on a Vowel of silence until all is reveled at Fashion Week.

Today I plan top go to some exhibitions so hopefully I will get time to blog again until soon.

for Regular day to day activity,
my stress and love in fashion and life
follow me on twitter!


All Tweets can be seen on blog and on site :)

take care
and lay of the carmex for nerves on fashion week lol



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