The Host- what type of women is to come?

A couple of months ago I struggled getting through a book which I dont normally do,
The Host written by the same author as the Twilight Saga, Which had be gripped did not however in this story.

why was this?
well it may be down to the extreme agression towards women in the book where there are some brutial scenes of violance where Melanie the main charicter accepts from the man she loves,
yes there is more to it then that. But the fact remains it still left me unconftable with reading certain scenes.

Moving on from the Violence the begining of the book started really well with a gripping start and making you not like the alien body invaders, Though moving on to the Middle you started to fell compassion to the alien however the book dragging on slightly by this point made it a struggle to read.
with a ending that I vaguely remember making me question if I should see the film?

resulting in me not origanaly wanting to post a blog about this as I hate writing negative,
However when passing the cinimar on the way home yesterday I saw the poster of the film that was now addapted from the book which you can see below:

making me ask what will be the impact of this film on young girls,such as the Twi Hards who are famlous known this knickmane for there obsession with the twilight franchise.
Im just concerned is Stephanie Meyer making a generation of young  women fantasize about emotionally abusive relationships acceptable in Twilight and now physical in the Host ?


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