My Night with Cards against Humanity and mini review

So last month was my first month of using Diana,
I used her ( my camera ) professionally and socially to capture my life not just as a stylist but in general.

I landed up shooting 4 roles of film in total with some of my favorite effects coming from my 1st and third batch.

Anyway Last month I was happy to be invited to a dinner party where we landed up playing the game Cards against humanity,

I have never played the game before and after dinner and a few glasses of wine it was the perfect group ice breaker, a little bit naughty a little bit tongue in cheek and makes everyone take serious topics and just be ridiculous.

some of the jokes that came out of it did make me question is this how Jimmy Carr gets his stand up routine?


Above this is Mr B and grinning away to a very inappropriate joke that came up on the game,
Luckly I had my camera near by to do a cheeky snap to capture the moment.

Below after a broken glass
and giggles, maybe I had to much wine as I chopped the heads off the pic,
however there is a quality to these pictures that I do like something vintage something softer then your regular digitial images.

Cards against Humanity overall I thought was fun and a game that certainly needs more then 3 people to make it work, also its not a game you would play all the time as the cards would get tiresome after a while but for a once in a while ice breaker or a party/drinks night twist this is something I would recommend.

3 out of 5 quirky stars 


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