London Fashion Week Must have....

Dear readers...
Today I have came across the most exciting thing that i am just after for myself for fashion week,
do you remember when you where a kid watching Ab Fab with you rag doll and Vogue or was that just me as a child? if you didn't refer to the series two episode Morocco -- you will see what i mean...
...This just reminds me of Lady Gaga Paparazzi, but with a certain Andy Warhol Geek Chic/uber cool factor for me the look is defo one eye up and one eye down.
they called "Flip-Top-Riley Frame" by Oliver Peoples
and now I have found out about these guys I am on the look out for my fashion week wardrobe.

plus I could just see me wearing these to a gallery or something at least when you with someone you have to pay attention to you can just do it at a flip and no more messing up the hair 80's are back and these are my little must have for this week coming,

I cant wait to report back to you guys with the events I am working on in London Fashion Week, Though until very shortly stay posted and follow me on twitter and my space as norm.




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